Twice in a Lifetime (Love Found) Read online

Page 27

  Aggravation and impatience collided in his voice. With her free hand she fingered the locket hanging around her neck—the one he’d given her just that morning, already loaded with photos of Trey and himself—and fell into him when he tugged at her arm.

  “Are you sure you can’t stay? I’m getting used to you in my bed.” His lips pressed against hers. She captured his jaw in her hands and sank into the kiss. Her pulse kicked up when his arms pulled her closer. The warmth of his hard chest bled through the layers of his heavy coat. Her hands strayed, roamed across the width of his broad shoulders as she pulled away. She would much rather he stayed and finish what he’d started. She’d have to talk to Trey, because really, she couldn’t take five more days of this delicious agony. “Will you bring your stuff tomorrow? You may as well start moving in.”

  “What about Trey? Will that cause a problem?”

  “I’ll talk to him tonight, but I’m sure he’ll wonder what took you so long.”

  “So long? It’s only been two days.”

  She grinned and pulled on her mittens. “That’s what I said; it’s been two whole days.”

  Jake raced around the hood of the truck and led her to her front door. Grinding his impatient lips against hers, seeking entrance with a slash of his tongue, his eyes darkened to black, his arms tightened, his kiss spoke to her.

  Good night, I’ll miss you. I want to do this all night long.

  With regret she pulled away, murmuring into his hooded eyes. “I know. Me too.”

  He kissed her once more, on her nose. “Tomorrow I’ll bring clothes.” Grinning, he dashed back through the rain to his truck. She entered her house and stood at the window like a lovesick teenager. She stayed until Jake was out of sight, and only then walked down the hallway to bed.

  The next day, Monday, dawned overcast and dreary, but rain no longer pelted the roof. She hopped out of bed. She had too much to accomplish to laze around.

  Glancing at the clock to make sure she wouldn’t be late to meet Maddie, she laced up her runners. She didn’t need to hurry to make their usual meeting time, but with the holiday they hadn’t hit the track in days. She was anxious to get back. With only three weeks until their marathon, they both needed to stay on their training schedule.

  She cringed as she trotted through the house. She hadn’t even shared her news with Reese and Maddie yet. But they had four days, what were friends for? They could probably pull off this wedding without her. She paused as she locked the house behind her. Maddie. Reese. One of them would be her maid of honor, but which? How did she choose between two best friends?

  Taking off at a slow jog, she let her tight muscles warm up gradually against the cool morning air. She took in a deep, refreshing breath as she ran along the route to the high school and let her mind work. Did Jake own a suit? The last time she saw him in one was at Ben’s funeral.

  They’d need flowers, too. And reservations for the wedding dinner. Yikes! That list just kept getting longer and longer.

  She spotted Maddie as she approached the school. She waved and yelled a greeting. Maddie looked good today in green running shorts and her effervescent smile. “Good morning. How was your holiday?”

  Maddie laughed. “Where to begin? Family… food… madness. I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but I’m glad it’s over.”

  Allie kept pace as Maddie took off around the track, her ponytail bobbing with each step. “Something exciting happened.”

  Maddie’s eyes flew to her and widened. “Exciting? I like exciting!”

  Ha! This was going to be fun. “Come to lunch with me and I’ll tell you all about it. I’ll call Reese, too. Let’s eat early and we can do a little shopping afterwards.”

  “Sounds perfect. The girls want to see a movie today. I’ll drop them off before lunch and they can hang out at the mall while we shop.”

  “That will work. Now, tell me about your Christmas. It’s so much different when your kids are younger; I miss that a lot.”

  Allie hung up the phone after her call to Reese. Their lunch date was all set. Only a few more calls to make—to their favorite Mexican eatery and then her salon—and her to-do list would be blissfully shorter. She stepped into the shower.

  With agility she maneuvered her car into a parking space narrowed by an oversized SUV crowding the dividing line. The Check Engine light glowed red on the dash as she shut off the engine. Great! One more thing added to tomorrow’s list.

  The lunchtime crowd hovered in the restaurant lobby waiting to be seated. Reese and Maddie sat in a booth under a window, waving her over. She removed her jacket as she veered to meet them. Sliding in beside Reese she grinned and set her left elbow on the table, propping her chin on her hand. Who would notice first? Either way, this wasn’t going to take long.

  “Squeee!” Reese. She would have guessed Maddie to notice first.

  “Ow!” She slapped at Reese when she grabbed for her hand.

  “Show me. I wanna see!”

  “Oh my goodness.” Maddie inspected the ring and used her favorite phrase, squeaking over Reese’s babble. “You are such a rat. You didn’t even tell us you were back together!” Then she paused, eyes wide. “It is Jake, right?

  A bubble of laughter burst out. “Of course it’s Jake. And I didn’t tell you yet because we weren’t back together until two days ago.”

  The server appeared to take their orders and was quickly gone.

  “Oh, Allie… I’m so happy for you.” Uncharacteristic tears brimmed in Reese’s eyes as she blubbered and clasped her manicured hands together. “You deserve to be happy. Jake’s a real find, and lucky to have you.”

  She reached over, grabbed Reese’s hands and squeezed. “Thanks, Reese.” She’d been an amazing friend for so long, and she didn’t make it weird that Jake was her boyfriend first, so long ago. She squeezed her hands again.

  “Well, he is. He reminds me of a hunky guy from the cover of one of my romance novels.”

  And just like that, Maddie got them laughing again.

  Reese picked up her hand to inspect her ring again. “It’s about time you realized you were perfect for each other.”

  “Have you set a date? Will you be a June bride?” She chuckled. Maddie was such a romantic.

  “No, actually it will be this Friday.” Her friends were so good for her, and predictable. She sat back to enjoy the fireworks.


  “This Friday?”

  She had to laugh at the horrified and incredulous looks on their faces. “Yes, this Friday. And I’ll need help to get this done.”

  “Of course, anything you need.” And then the light dawned. “That’s why you want to shop today. You need a wedding dress!”

  “That, and maid of honor dresses.”

  “Dresses? As in more than one?”

  Oh, this was fun. “Well, only if you both agree.”

  “Agree? Of course we agree. Don’t we agree, Maddie?”

  “I agree!”

  They spent an enjoyable hour making plans and giggling like schoolgirls. As they finished their lunch Maddie glanced at her watch. “The girls will be out of their movie soon. Do you mind if they join us?”

  “Of course I don’t mind. They’re always fun to have along.” Allie looked forward to spending a couple of hours with her friend’s teenage daughters.

  Allie let Reese drag her through the first of the department stores. “Nothing’s right, Reese. The rose pink sheath was too plain. The dove gray was nice, but I can’t sit in it.” She glanced at her watch. “Maddie needs to get here soon. We need backup.”

  Reese dove into her enormous handbag and with laser accuracy came out with her smartphone, tapping buttons on the touchscreen. “I’ll text her, we can send photos.”

  She held up a yellow full skirted suit. “I like this.” Reese snapped a shot and sent it to Maddie.

  Dress #3… What do you think?

  Says MOB, not bride :(

  “What about this one?” A h
unter green A-line with a printed jacket.

  Dress #4??

  She looks like a tree

  Reese giggled.

  “What?” Allie looked over Reese’s shoulder at the message, then pulled a face at her reflection. “It kind of does, doesn’t it?”

  “Jake will like this one.” She tried on a sea green gown with a plunging neckline.

  Dress #5… Well?

  Ewww on the dress, but when did Allie get boobs?

  Reese held the phone so Allie could read. She stood at the mirror and tugged at the dress. “Don’t ask me! I don’t know where they came from.”

  They both eyed Allie’s impressive cleavage and giggled again.

  Allie eyed the rejects lining the changing room and sighed. “Time to try the next store.”

  Once there, Reese took a picture of a beige linen suit, on clearance from summer stock.

  What about this one?

  Hell no.

  Allie let out a frustrated huff. “Enough technology; we needed her pronto.”

  Get your a** here now!

  Maddie finally arrived, frantically dragging two red-and-green-toothed teenagers behind her. “No luck?”

  Allie shook her head. “No luck.”

  Emily spoke up, pointing down one of the corridors lined with stores. “I’ve seen really pretty dresses in one of the boutique windows down that way. They’re for older ladies.” Her panicked eyes widened. “Not that I’m calling you old.”

  Allie laughed off Emily’s embarrassment. “I’m willing to try anything at this point.” Holiday music poured from invisible speakers as they dodged holiday bargain shoppers and kiosks selling everything from knitted beanies to cell phone service. A glass-fronted display showing a mannequin in winter white cashmere caught Allie’s attention.

  “Ooh. I see something I like here.” As one they stepped through the open double door and onto gleaming hardwood. The melodious strains of something classical flowed softly from somewhere above crystal chandeliers. Cherrywood cabinetry with glass shelving lined the walls. Glass-topped circular racks were scattered sparingly throughout the space. An employee strode up to them.

  Reese waited as she came out of the fitting room, her eyes lit. “It’s perfect Allie. Look at the way it just flows over you. It’s beautiful.”

  Allie stepped up to the three-way mirror and smoothed the front of the dress. The fine wool draped smartly, shaping her curves, stopping short of her knees. The deep cowl highlighted the elegant line of her throat. Five crystal buttons fastened by loops ran from her wrists halfway up the forearm of each long tapered sleeve. She twirled and suddenly she was six again, playing wedding with her cousin Sarah.

  Maddie sauntered near from across the floor. “That dress looks wonderful on you, Allie. I especially like it with your zebra flats.”

  With a grin Allie turned back to the mirror. “It is amazing, isn’t it?” On a pivot she studied all sides of the dress. “I love it.”

  She’d found her dress. And it looked like Maddie and Reese were making progress as well. They were each in front of the wide mirror as she exited her fitting room, glamming it up in classic fitted suits. The sapphire skirt and short jacket complemented Maddie’s newly slim figure. She spun, the kick pleat flaring on the silk skirt. Reese laughed and threw out her arms, showing off her emerald green selection. “Hey Allie, you like?”

  What could she say? They were both crazy. Crazy beautiful.

  Standing at the checkout counter, Allie hefted her garment bag in one hand, her purse on the other arm. It was a trick to retrieve her credit card from the saleswoman. They’d had so much fun, but she was drained. What she wouldn’t give to climb into her cozy pajamas, but there was work to do. Progress to be made. She took a deep breath and plunged ahead. “So what color shoes?”


  She grinned as the words exploded from four different mouths. Guess it was unanimous. Even better, she already had it covered. “I can wear those peep toes I bought last summer. I’ve only worn them once.”

  Maddie beamed. “I have strappy silver heels I haven’t worn for ages.”

  Emily and Tory both groaned. Lost chance for a shoe adventure.

  “Well, I want new.”

  “Of course you do, Reese.”

  Reese paraded across the carpet of the Nordstrom shoe department in four-inch heels, then perched on a padded bench. “First try! I love these.” She lifted a foot, twirling it to model exquisite Prada ankle cuff sandals, perfect for spring, not so much for a blustery December. But she was happy. “Yes, I am the shoe champ,” She smirked as she bent to remove her new treasures.

  And so modest.

  Thank God, their mission was complete, shopping was exhausting. With effort she followed the herd toward the parking lot. Maddie was parked near their exit, but she and Reese were each several rows over, nearer the restaurant. Waving as Maddie and her girls got in their vehicle, she and Reese walked along together until they arrived at her sedan. Allie opened the back door and hung her dress, then turned to say goodbye.

  “Still want to scout for flowers in the morning?”

  “Call me. I should be ready to leave by nine or so.”

  “Too bad Maddie can’t come along. I guess the girls have registration for dance.” She slid into her car, leaving the door open, then turned the key to start the engine.


  Oh, no. She tried the ignition again. Grind. Click. Flopping back in the seat didn’t change anything, but her growl released frustration. “This I do not need right now.”

  “Oh no! Can I give you a lift home?”

  Allie frowned. “It’s getting late and I’m too tired to wait for a tow, but Reese, I’m really not on your way.”

  “Whatever. It’s on my way if I take the other freeway. Here, get your dress.” She opened the rear door and pulled out the garment bag.

  Within minutes they were settled in Reese’s sporty two-seater, whizzing through rush hour traffic. Jake’s truck was backing into the driveway as Reese pulled up to the curb.

  He smiled and met them as they climbed out of Reese’s little car. “Hey, Reese.”

  Reese nodded. “Hear you’re gonna be a husband. Better take good care of my girl.”

  Jake laughed as he kissed her cheek. “The best, Reese.” Then he turned to Allie for a welcoming peck. “What happened to your truck, babe?”

  “That thing is falling apart around me, I swear,” she grumbled as she stepped onto the sidewalk, her plastic encased dress hanging from her hand. “It wouldn’t start so I left it at the mall. I need to call for a tow truck.”

  “I can take care of it.”

  Her gaze was worshiping and probably looked stupid, but he was a god. Like rescuing her from the wreck of the Titanic kind of heroic. “That would be so great.” He deserved so much more than just another kiss. Soon. “Reese, can you stay for a few?”

  “Thanks, but I better get home. John will be wondering about dinner.” She waggled a two-fingered goodbye and called out as she slid into her car. “I’ll see you in the morning!”

  Jake grabbed a couple of duffle bags from his truck. Then he took her dress and carried it in for her. “What did you find today?” He nodded toward the garment bag.

  She tilted her head and smiled. “Something special for Friday. Which reminds me… do you have something to wear?”

  “All taken care of.” He shifted the bag to open the front door. “Trey too.” With his arm holding the door for her, she entered the house.

  She grabbed a Coke from the fridge, then walked through the house and into her walk-in closet. Why had she not noticed that her clothes hung on the rods in such an unorganized jumble? Leaving her drink on the dresser top, she squeezed the garment bag between an old coat and her navy blue suit as Jake stepped into the closet and craned his neck left and right with a frown.

  He lifted his duffle bags. “Where do you want these?”

  She chuckled at his desperate expression. “J
ust leave them. I need to make room.”

  He dropped the bags. “We need to get our marriage license. Can you meet me at the courthouse?”

  Her gaze slid from rod to shelf. Ben’s clothes used to fit in that closet. She simply needed to organize. “Sure, let me know when you can get away from work.”

  She left the closet, taking a long swallow of her drink as she wandered her way down the hall. “I’ll start dinner now.”

  He caught up to her before she reached the kitchen. Pulling her into the living room, he sank into the sofa, pulling her onto his lap. “Aren’t you going to show me that dress?”

  She leaned into him and wiggled her nose against his. “Yes I am. On Friday.”

  His fingers traced a pattern over her collarbone, making her shiver. “Very secretive.”

  She grabbed one of his hands and lifted it to kiss his fingertips. “There’s not much you haven’t seen already. The dress will be a surprise.”

  “Fair point.” He looked out the window, into the darkening sky. “I should go look at your truck before it gets any later. Trey can come with me.”

  “Trey’s here?”

  “Yeah, in his room.”

  She got up and knocked on the closed bedroom door. Trey was leaned back against the pillows on his bed, talking on his cell phone. He put his hand over the receiver when she walked in.

  “Hi, Mom. I’ll be done in a minute.”

  “Jake needs you to go with him to look at my car. It wouldn’t start.”

  “No problem. I’ll be right there.” She closed the door and went into the kitchen, getting out ingredients to put together pizza.

  Jake wandered in while she chopped vegetables. Reached around her and snitched a slice of pepperoni. “If the car won’t start, I’ll call a tow truck and have them come get it. Then we’ll go to my place and get the bed too, as long as Trey’s with me.”

  She smiled and nodded. “Our bed.” Then pressed a goodbye kiss on his lips. “See you later, then.”

  The two pizzas were in pans and set aside until it was time to pop them into the oven. She had time on her hands and the caffeine-laden soda had worked its magic so she wandered into her room. She stripped the sheets from her bed, shoving them into the hamper. Tonight her old bed would be gone, replaced with their new bed. The way her old life was about to be replaced with their new life together. A new life she would build with Jake. This would be the final step to putting the past behind her.