Twice in a Lifetime (Love Found) Read online

Page 25

  There was nowhere to hide once he rounded the corner and spotted her shifting to sit against the wall. “Whoa. You sick, Mom?” His padded guitar case slapped against this thigh as he skidded to a halt.

  “Just a bug I picked up from school.” She mustered a smile. “See, better already.”

  “You need anything? Pepto?”

  “Nope. I’m good.”

  “I was going out, but—”


  He transferred the case to his other hand, shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve. Have you called—?”

  Not having that conversation tonight. “Grandpa Bentley is coming for dinner at six. I think Uncle Nick’s coming, too. Where are you going tonight?

  “Just to Jax’s. You sure you’re okay?”

  No, but she would be. “Go. Tell Maddie I’ll call her tomorrow.”

  A few moments later the front door shut.

  Perched on the edge of the bed with her teeth brushed and her stomach settled, Allie picked up Jake’s gift bag from the nightstand. Midnight blue with a scattering of gold stars, overflowing with metallic gold tissue. She’d turned her back on him. Didn’t trust him to know his own mind. Yet he loved her anyway.

  A simple card depicting two white peace doves was inscribed in Jake’s precise block lettering.


  No. He couldn’t have. Oh God, what if he did? She rooted through gold tissue and uncovered a small square box tied with a gold ribbon. Did he? She palmed the crimson foil-wrapped package, then closed her eyes and clasped her other hand around it, pressing it to her heart. He was willing to set everything aside for her. Why wasn’t she willing to let him?

  The answer pealed through her heart, as clear and exalting as church bells on Christmas Eve. The strain and anxiety of the past weeks melted away. She was.

  She had to be.

  The same sad scenes had flashed through her mind for weeks. Her, alone and unhappy, with nothing but class papers to keep her occupied at night. Wishing for something she denied herself. Denied them. Would Jake be alone too? Possibly not. Nerves kicked in, flip-flopping in her stomach. The idea of it was unthinkable. They belonged together. She would be brave now, she would take the last step. Dragging in a breath that was more determined than fortifying, she dropped the gift back into the bag.

  Jake glared at the jumble of detailed spreadsheets and financial statements strewn across the table then tossed his glasses on the whole mess. Damn Nick to the seventh level of paperwork hell! He and Nick were supposed to review these printouts together. But Nick had been scarce for weeks now, and this week he was gone altogether. Skiing in Big Bear with the guys, my ass. He was probably holed up in the lodge with someone warm and curvy.

  He replaced his glasses and turned back to the numbers swimming before him then stopped, rolled his neck and rubbed his eyelids under his glasses. It was no use to continue. No use pretending he wasn’t sitting here waiting for the phone to ring. It was already ten. She wasn’t calling tonight.

  A light rap sounded on his door. Who could that be? He stood, stretching his back before making his way through the living room to the front door. It was probably just the neighbor boys, knocking then hiding in the bushes lining the house. Wouldn’t be the first time. He threw open the door.

  Allie! She leaned against the stucco wall with a small bag swinging from one finger, a lazy grin stretched across her face, the cool breeze swishing her silky auburn hair along the collar of her green wool pea coat. His heart kicked.

  “I got this gift today, but there was no name on the card.”

  He flipped the switch for the porch fixture, bathing her in the yellow glow. Relaxed against the door frame, he returned her look, soaking in the sight of her. She looked thinner. But her gray eyes flashed green with amusement in the harsh light. “Must have been an oversight.” He accepted the gift bag, peeked inside at the wink of red paper and lifted his eyes to her. “You haven’t opened it.”

  “Mmm. I thought you might want to give it to me in person.”

  Teasing? He cocked his head, stepped out of the doorway. “Maybe so.

  She paused as she entered the living room, tossing her coat over the back of the armchair. “Well, Scrooge, I see you’ve gone all out this year.”

  He glanced around at the missing Christmas tree, the lack of holiday cheer, and his mouth quirked. “That’s Mister Scrooge to you, thank you very much.”

  He followed her onto the loveseat and dropped the bag on his lap. Her reaction to its contents had the entire Riverdance chorus line pounding out a number in his abdomen. Had she finally changed her mind? Would she accept it? Accept him? She seemed calm, and almost cheerful. His breath backed up in his chest. “What’s on your mind, Allie?”

  “I’m ready.”

  Ready? As in ready, ready? His pulse leapt, then raced. She sat so relaxed, hands folded loosely on her lap. Was the suddenly nervous smile flitting across her face a clue? Did she mean—? Sweet Christ, it would be too cruel if she didn’t. He cleared his throat. “Explain that, please.”

  The hands in her lap twisted together. “I love you, Jake. I don’t want to wait until it’s too late.”

  His hands flew to hers until they were trapped between them. “Allie.”

  Her eyes winged to meet his gaze. They were clear, bright, and full of promise. “You’ve proven in so many ways, for so long, that I can trust you, that you’re there for me. I need to trust that what I can give you is enough.” Her palm traced his forearm, rubbing it lightly and causing his muscles to bunch. Her grin rocked his soul. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You and me, and Trey.”

  That was exactly what he wanted to hear. Heart thumping, he leaned forward and placed a hard, happy kiss on her mouth. Lifting the bag he glanced at her, optimistic for the first time in weeks.

  He removed the small package from the gift bag and ripped off the paper, tossing it aside. Opening the velvet box he plucked the ring and slid in onto his much larger finger, wagging it at the woman sitting beside him, his own smile blooming. “I love you, Allie. I missed you more than I ever realized I would.” He had to pause, had to kiss her.

  His hands capturing her jaw, he lowered his head until their lips met in a warm, soft promise. With his eyes closed he savored the brief taste of her. They would have time now. Time to taste more fully, time to take… it all.

  “Maybe we won’t have everything we dreamed of, but we will make these our best days. And whatever happens from now until the end, we’ll be together.” He lifted her left hand and slid the ring from his finger to hers.

  She scooted closer to him, pressed her lips against his again and curled under his shoulder, to the place she fit so well. She stared at her ring, getting a good look at it for the first time. Nick assured him it was impressive—an emerald cut diamond set in a platinum band.

  She held her hand out. “Wow, I could take someone’s eye out with this thing.” She turned her face to him. “You forgive me for being a little bit stubborn? You still want to marry me?”

  A little bit stubborn? He snorted. “Of course. And yes, as soon as possible.”



  “Very soon. There’s something we need to do first.” The promise in her tone had his blood running hot, and pooling in his gut.

  She turned and straddled his lap. Leaning into him, she kissed him, her teeth gently grazing his bottom lip, quickly followed by the tip of her tongue, soothing, inflaming as her kiss deepened, demanded. The light scent of her, the velvet feel of her, the low, throaty sound of her as she ran her lips over his all crashed down on him, paralyzing him with love, with lust. His arms tightened around her as he mindlessly returned her kisses. He pulled back, found his voice, breathless and rough. “Can you stay?”

  Her own answer was husky. “For a while. Trey will be home tonight.”

  He stood, scooping her up. Cradling her
, he shouldered open the door to his room. She flipped the wall switch to turn on the lamp and stopped him, her eyes on his bed. She wore a worried look on her face and the corners of his lips tipped up. “Second thoughts?

  “Um, no.” She looked away. “Not exactly.”

  “What’s the matter, Allie? Don’t you like my new bed?”

  “You just got it?”

  She was so predictable. And she never failed to amuse him. “I thought we should have our own bed. Besides, this one’s bigger.” He finished walking toward the bed, dropping her onto the new comforter. He stood, still smiling, looming over her. “You spoiled me with your big bed. Which you slept in with your husband by the way.”

  Allie popped off the edge of the bed, wrung her hands. “Yeah, about that.”

  His amusement grew until it turned into a chuckle. He took a seat on the foot of their bed and nestled her between his knees, holding her hands. “I don’t care who was there before me, babe. As long as I’m there now.”

  She sighed and sank onto his lap. “You spoil me every day, Mr. Taylor. And… you read me like a dimestore novel.”

  “A dimestore novel? Is there sex in it?”

  A giggle sputtered up, and lit her face. “I don’t know, I’ve never actually read one.”

  He cradled her face in his hands. “What do you say we write our own?” Jake lay back on their new bed, pulling her with him, joined his lips to hers, and began the magic he missed.

  Jake shifted, pulled Allie against his hard length, threw a leg over her under the blanket.

  “Wait, Jake. I can’t stay. Trey.”

  Shit. Trey. He nuzzled the flowery scent of her throat but the frustration was hard to tamp down. “How soon is ‘very soon’ Allie?”

  “Don’t growl.” She grinned as her palm drifted over the sparse furring on his chest, plucking and teasing. “Whenever you say, sweetheart. As soon as you want it to be.”

  Satiety still trickled through his limbs, but her wandering hands were about to land her on her back. “Do you want a big wedding?”

  She pushed herself up so she lay across his chest, studying him. Her hair fell forward in a curtain, trapping their faces. “I did the whole wedding thing. It’s not a big deal to me. I would be perfectly happy with the Justice of the Peace.” She grinned impudently as she spoke. “But this is the only time you’re getting married, mister. If you want the whole veil and black tux thing, I’m in.”

  His look mocked her, then turned soft. “You, me and whoever’s doing the ceremony. That’s all I need. And Trey.” Jake lifted his head for a quick kiss. “Do you think he’d stand with me?”

  “He’d be hurt if he didn’t.” She rolled to her back, lying beside him, staring up at the ceiling. “He kind of likes you, you know.”

  He turned his head so he faced her. Grabbed her hand and interlaced their fingers. “Yeah, I kind of like him back.”

  “So… when?”


  “I’ve got nothing better planned.”

  “Friday it is. Where would you rather live, here or your house?”

  “Well, you do have a pool… and a fireplace. But my bathroom’s bigger.”

  “Your house it is. We can build a pool.”

  “But bring our bed.” She stretched out all four limbs. “This is really comfortable. What time is it?”

  “Eleven forty-five. Why?”

  She answered by rolling to her side and running a bold palm over the ridges of his abdomen, her gaze going as deep and dark as thunderheads and locked on his. His lips lowered to hers with a groan of need, his tongue dipping inside to tangle itself around hers. She lifted against him, demanding… more. He had more. He added pressure to their kiss, licking and sucking, then rolling her until she was trapped beneath him, his heat pressed shamelessly against her core.

  “Jesus, woman, I love you.” The need in her eyes sparked a fuse in him, reigniting a passion that merely simmered, but never died. This was the woman who had occupied his dreams, and his nightmares, for nearly half his life. This was where he belonged. Above her. Beside her. Home.

  “Bentley’s coming for dinner tomorrow. Nick too. I’m making a ham. Do you already have plans?” It would be much easier to wiggle into her panties if Jake’s hands didn’t keep getting in the way.

  “Nope, I’m all yours.” He palmed her bare behind, pulled her close.

  With a laugh and a halfhearted slap at him she took a step back. “Jake! It’s Christmas Eve and you don’t have plans?”

  “Well, I sort of made plans, but it worked itself out.” He grabbed her blouse and held it out of reach.

  She picked up her jeans and climbed in. His comment stopped her and she studied him, balancing like a flamingo with one leg pushed through, the other stuck midway. “What does that mean?”

  He dropped the blouse on the bed and took hold of the dangling pant leg, used it to reel her in. “It means you had until tomorrow to come to your senses. Then I was coming over.”

  Grinning, she hopped toward him. “Oh.”

  He dropped a quick kiss on her lips, then let go of her pants. “Yeah. Oh. Now what time can I come over?”

  “Is six too early?” Jeans up and snapped, she reached for her shirt, but Jake was too fast and held it over his head.

  “You know, it’s going to be damn nice watching you get dressed, and undressed, every day.”

  She scowled and grabbed for her shirt. “Damn you, I’ll never get dressed at this rate.”

  He sighed and handed it over. “Spoilsport. What time are you eating?”

  “Four.” She shrugged into her blouse, poking tiny buttons through holes.

  His hands snaked up under hers, fumbling and unfastening as he went. “Then why do you want me to come at six?”

  “Six in the morning, sweetheart. I can’t wait any longer than that.”

  He hauled her onto his lap. She bounced up quickly, his naked guy parts were much too tempting. “Jake!” Exasperation was written in her voice. “Trey will be home soon.”

  “I hope you’re more fun next week.”

  She chose to ignore him. “I hope Ben’s family doesn’t have a problem with… you know.” She held her hand out, her ring sparkling in the lamplight. Us.”

  “It will be a little hard to hide.” He motioned with his chin to the new bauble on her finger.

  She rebuttoned her blouse and hunted for her shoes. She found them under the bed and slid her feet into them. “Well, luckily they all love you, too.” And besides, now that she finally had it she wasn’t taking it off.

  With one last thorough kiss to get her through the night, she left him lying on the bed.

  Jake chafed his palms together and pounded on the door. Again. No answer. Rang the doorbell. No answer. He sauntered around to the garage, intent on helping himself in the house via the code panel when he spotted Trey jogging toward the house. His sweatpants and hoodie sported his school logo, his sneakers plop-plopped as they hit the concrete sidewalk. He slowed as he approached the yard.

  “Jake!” Trey waved a welcome. “You’re here early.” Smoke signals wafted from his lips as he spoke. Sweat trickled from his temple.

  Jake stepped back the way he came. Crap, he didn’t count on Trey being awake yet. Invited or not, what excuse could he use for his early arrival? Rooting around the closet of his mind, he dug out a lame one. “I thought I’d help you get the grass mowed.” He settled deeper in his coat, rubbed his bare hands together again then shoved them into his pockets.

  Trey drew to a halt when he got to Jake, folded at the waist and braced his palms on his knees, still panting out puffs. “Doesn’t my mom have a service?”

  “Their contract expired.” He was pretty sure that wasn’t true, but maybe Trey didn’t know that.

  Sucking in deep gulps of air, Trey’s eyes narrowed. “So why are you really here?”

  Jake removed his hands from his pockets, covered his ears with them. He really should have remembered a hat. And
gloves. “I told you, I’m—”

  His breathing evening out, Trey smiled. “No, seriously. Did you work it out with my mom?”

  Jake let a satisfied smirk bloom on his face. “Yeah.”

  Trey stood, stretched. His smile grew wider. “Too cool. So is she going to marry you?”

  It was tempting to puff out his chest caveman style, fist-pounding it with a series of pure satisfied male grunts. Mere hours ago it would have seemed perfectly natural, in fact, with a naked Allie draped across his chest as soft and warm as a cashmere blanket. But standing beside her teenage kid? Probably not such a great idea. He buried his fists in his armpits. “Yeah. Um, I wanted to talk to you about that.”

  Trey reached out to fist-bump him, his excited words clambering over Jake’s nervous stumbling. “All right! When? What do you want to talk about?”

  Jake sucked in a deep breath. Let his words spew out with his frosted breath. “This Friday. I want you to be my best man.”

  “Woo-hoo!” Trey fist-shot the sky then spun back with panic in his eyes. “I don’t have to wear a tux, do I?”

  He couldn’t have held back his grin if he wanted to. Damn, he loved this kid. “Hell no. No tux. But you do have to dress a little nicer than that.” A flick of his right hand indicated the sweat-stained fleece.

  “I can do that.” Trey turned thoughtful. “Wait a minute, why so soon? Is she pregnant?”

  Jesus. That was probably a logical question for an eighteen-year-old male, but it caught him off guard so his laugh was shaky. “No, but I’ve waited… long enough.”

  Trey nodded. “Well, you don’t need to make up an excuse to come over.” Trey wrapped his arms around himself. “Dude, it’s cold out here. Let’s go wake the bride.” He took off, racing across the front porch.

  Jake followed him through the front door. What the hell, let’s go wake the bride.

  Trey sped through the house in search of his mom, but Jake paused just inside the front doorway. As always, the Christmas tree took up an entire corner of the room, every branch adorned with ornaments, the whole thing strung with popcorn garlands. Brightly decorated gifts were scattered underneath. The whole house had Allie’s stamp on it, her signature combination of sophisticated and homespun, decked for the season with color and scent.